Obviously waiting nearly a year to update this blog isn't a great way to begin our family blog...but what can I say- better late than never.
Since I've posted last, many wonderful and not so wonderful things have happened, but God has taught us more in the past year than I could ever explain. Here are a few examples of our journey over the past year...
We are learning what real faith is.
What it means to submit to each other and to God.
That God is not just God in the sunshine, but in the shadows as well.
That love truly grows every day in the most amazing way.
That the Holy Spirit is alive and active.
That God gives and takes away.
That living in the Spirit is hard, but rewarding.
That serving each other is much better than serving ourselves.
On a lighter note we've also learned that...
Having a puppy was the best decision ever! In fact, Lily Belle is getting a sister in June!
Mexico is our favorite place on the planet.
We can eat more watermelon than any couple anywhere ever. That is in fact a challenge.
All in all this year has been a year of miracles and we could not be more blessed and thrilled to get to live this life!