Thursday, July 15, 2010

We Have Moved!!!

Thanks for visiting! This blog has moved to!

Please join us for some fun little stories!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Few of My Favorites Things...

Are puppies and babies!!!  And we just so happen to have both!  Daisy Mae has joined our family is she is such fun!  She is much more active & 
a lot wilder than Lily, but she is also much  
more cuddly than Lily and you know that I love 
that:).  We are so grateful for her.  We are 
trying to soak up every puppy minute with her
because she'll be our last puppy for many
many many years:).

We also just found that we're having a GIRL!!!!
It's true!  Zach is going to be in a sea of women!   Ha, ha!  We are sooooo excited!  We didn't have a preference, but along I just knew that it was a girl.  I just felt it:).  So, needless to say, we are so excited!  
I am 18 weeks and looking forward to meeting this little girl.  We are still praying constantly for a healthy baby and delivery in October.  We are so humbled, grateful joyful that God is giving us this amazing gift.  Thank you Jesus!  Praise HIM!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Lily's Gettin' a Sister

Life is getting ready to change drastically for our little Lilly Belle.

On May 3 we are picking up her sister, Daisy Mae.

Yes, it's true. We are insane.

Daisy is a Labordoodle with the same dog mommy as it truly is her sister. We're so excited to pick her up. We've been waiting for over 6 months to get her.

I realize that many of you think that I am living in a dream world getting a puppy when we're bringing a baby into the world in a few months...BUT, I never claimed to be normal or sane. We figure that Lillers needs a baby too if we're getting one. We have to balance it all out:).

Needless to say, I'm a little nervous, but more excited. I LOVE PUPPIES. Especially when they are mine and I can train them to be perfect...just like Lily.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Life

I really love Easter. In fact, it's my favorite day of the whole year. The promise of new life is amazing to me. I fall deeper and deeper in love with Jesus each year. It's as if He shows me new tidbits of Himself and allows me to grasp His love more deeply than the year before. For this I am so grateful and humbled.

Story time:
So, as you know, I'm an emotional girl. I laugh and cry easily...especially when it involves my Jesus. So, as you can imagine, Easter gets me good. So we're sitting in church on Sunday and I'm just boohooing. Each song makes me cry harder than the one before. Then comes communion when I totally LOST IT. I was even praying that I wouldn't break out into full out sobs:). So when I finally pull it together Zach's sweet mama (who's sitting beside me) says, "Are you OK?" I say, "Of course." As if it's totally normal to be sobbing in public. I go on to say, "Easter is my favorite day of the year." And she says, "Well, and all the hormones of course." Then she goes on to tell me a story about how when she was pregnant she would watch Shirley Temple movies and cry and cry.

I, of course find this whole interchange to be hysterical. Let's face it, I'm crazy when I'm not pregnant and even crazier when I am. I'm going to choose to believe that this is charming, rather than bizarre. I love the Lord and He makes me crazy emotional. I love this child growing inside me and think of him/her constantly. I am totally, completely and utterly amazed that I get to be married to Zach. AND, as if that's not enough I have been blessed with an amazing family and incredible friends that loves the Lord.

If you ask me, I have a lot to be gratefully emotional about:).

"Now, when what is decaying is clothed with what cannot decay, and what is dying is clothed with what cannot die, then the written word will be fulfilled: "Death has been swallowed up by victory! Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" 1 Corinthians 15:54-55

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

By the Way...

I'm 12 weeks pregnant today:).
God is sooooooo good:).

Monday, April 6, 2009

Too Little, But Never Too Late

Obviously waiting nearly a year to update this blog isn't a great way to begin our family blog...but what can I say- better late than never.
Since I've posted last, many wonderful and not so wonderful things have happened, but God has taught us more in the past year than I could ever explain.  Here are a few examples of our journey over the past year...

We are learning what real faith is. 
What it means to submit to each other and to God.
That God is not just God in the sunshine, but in the shadows as well.
That love truly grows every day in the most amazing way.
That the Holy Spirit is alive and active.
That God gives and takes away.
That living in the Spirit is hard, but rewarding.
That serving each other is much better than serving ourselves.

On a lighter note we've also learned that...

Having a puppy was the best decision ever!  In fact, Lily Belle is getting a sister in June!  
Mexico is our favorite place on the planet.
We can eat more watermelon than any couple anywhere ever.  That is in fact a challenge.

All in all this year has been a year of miracles and we could not be more blessed and thrilled to get to live this life!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lily Belle Nelson

Zach and I are thrilled to announce that we are the proud parents of a little GoldenDoodle, named Lily Belle. She is absolutely darling...I have never been a 'dog person.' The only dog I've ever loved is Gwynnie, Megan's hand-me-down dog...however, Gwynnie is old and is more of an inside doggie.

From the beginning of our relationship Zach has told me over and over again how much he wants a doggie of his own...but I totally resisted! Finally, after another argument (practically the only thing we've ever fought about) after he went to sleep I began researching dogs that would suite us both. He really wanted a big dog and I said that if we must have a dog she must NOT shed:)...ha, ha. Turns out that finding big dogs that don't shed is a bit difficult!!! We prayed several times that God would send us the perfect dog for us and I am convinced that He has. Our little blessing...Lily Belle.